Monday, November 7, 2011

Journey from Barcelona to Andorra

I was assigned for a business trip to Andorra for 3 days. Together with another colleague, both of us travelled to Barcelona via Singapore. Upon reaching the airport, we were waiting for our counterpart whom flew in from Madrid. Before starting our journey, we bought some waters. The journey took about 2.5 hours by cab from Barcelona to Andorra.

Andorra has less than 100,000 population with area about 467.63 km2 (based on the information I've found in Wikipedia before my trip to Andorra). This is smaller than Singapore in term of population and the geographical size. Andorra is a small landlocked country in southwestern Europe, located in the eastern Pyrenees mountains and bordered by Spain and France where the official language is Catalan.

Though we were tired after 13 hours flight, we were excited to travel here. It was our first time to Andorra anyway, and hopefully it won't be the last as well. The weather wasn't good at the beginning, but turning to a better later on. I was captivated by the landscape while on the way there. Even though feels sleepy, I still make myself awake in order not to miss such a beautiful scenery.

The highway journey only about half the journey, then we turned into coastal road before reaching Andorra. We passed by a small city called "Guardiola"... familiar with the name? Current Barcelona FC coach is Josep Guardiola or better known as Pep Guardiola, we were not sure whether there is any relationship between these 2 names... Haha.... Since the name came out, the rest of the journey was associated with football.

Along the way, we also passed by a beautiful water dam. Since this is mountainous area, it should be a good area to have the water catchment area. Hence, this make our journey more pleasant. Besides that, we also passed by a small medieval town. However, we continue on with our journey hence not able to capture any photo with my iPhone. The nature beauty along the way captivated my heart, such a peaceful area without those rat race life in city.

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